Tutorial Proposal


“How to Maximize the Performance of Power Electronic Systems with Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control”



Petros Karamanakos, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, 33101 Tampere, Finland; e-mail: p.karamanakos@ieee.org



Finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) has gained significant attention in recent years, mainly from the academic community. Industry, nevertheless, is reluctant to adopt new control methods that do not provide significant economic benefits. To achieve these benefits with control, it is mandatory to improve some key aspects of the power electronic system performance.


This tutorial discusses and analyzes the factors that affect the closed-loop performance of FCS-MPC. Based on these findings, design guidelines are provided that help to maximize the power electronic system performance, and thus achieve superior performance compared with conventional control techniques. The tutorial concludes with a critical assessment of the performance based on two case studies.


Overall, the tutorial aims at providing a balanced mix of theory and application-related material. Special care is taken to ensure that the presented material is intuitively accessible to the power electronics practitioner. This is achieved by augmenting the mathematical formulations by illustrations and simple examples.


By the end of the tutorial, the attendees:

  • will have a new insight on the design of FCS-MPC-based controllers,
  • will be able to understand what design options exist that maximize the system performance, and
  • will be able to design FCS-MPC-based controllers that outperform conventional control techniques and push the system performance to its physical limits.


Petros Karamanakos is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Dr. Karamanakos received the Diploma and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, in 2007, and 2013, respectively.


Prior to joining Tampere University, he was with the ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland, and the Chair of Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. His main research interests lie at the intersection of optimal control and modulation, mathematical programming and power electronics, including model predictive control for utility-scale power converters and ac variable speed drives.


Dr. Karamanakos has received three IEEE prize paper awards. He serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and of the IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications. Dr. Karamanakos is a Regional Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and an IEEE Senior Member.