An Improved Triple-Vector Modulated Model Predictive Control Method for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
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Updated Time:2023-06-13 18:37:03
Poster Presentation
Model predictive control (MPC) has been widely used in motor control, and modulated model predictive control (MMPC) has been derived. However, in the conventional MMPC, the action time of the basic voltage vector is calculated by the inverse ratio of the cost function, which lacks a strictly theoretical basis. To enhance the theoretical basis of the MMPC, an improved triple-vector MMPC is proposed. First, two adjacent dual-vectors are synthesized by the conventional method. Then, the Helen's formula and geometric relationship between the two dual-vectors are used to scale and synthesize the triple-vectors. Finally, the simulation verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.
modulated model predictive control;cost function;triple-vector;theoretical basis;Helen
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