Robust Model Predictive Current Control With Adaptive Extended-State-Observer for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
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Updated Time:2023-06-12 15:27:48
Poster Presentation
Three-vector based model predictive current control (TV-MPCC) has been recently proposed to improve the steady-state performance for permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) drive system. However, the TV-MPCC presents poor performance when the predictive model is inaccurate due to motor parameter mismatches. To address this issue, a TV-MPCC based on adaptive extended-state observer (TV-MPCC-AESO) for PMSM is proposed in this paper. Therein, the disturbance caused by parameter mismatches is observed by the designed AESO and compensated into the predictive model to improve the robustness of TV-MPCC. Extensive comparative simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TV-MPCC-AESO scheme.
PMSM;TV-MPCC;parameter robustness;adaptive extended state observer (AESO)
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