Robust Predictive Current Control with Online Multi-step Disturbance Compensation for Three-level Inverter-Fed PMSM
ID:66 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2023-06-14 11:54:55 Hits:549 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-19 09:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[E] Poster Session » [E1] Poster Session 1

  Model predictive current control (MPCC) has been widely used in the field of electric drive control in recent years due to its fast dynamic speed, multi-objective optimization and low switching frequency. However, MPCC is sensitive to changes in machine parameters, which leads to performance degradation. To improve the performance and robustness of a three-level inverter-fed interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM), this paper proposes a Luenberger observer based on the multi-step predictive disturbance compensation. Firstly, the mathematical model, MPCC method and disturbance analysis are presented. Secondly, the Least Squares method is designed to dynamically fit the multi-step predictive error according to the past data, which can predict tendency of current error under nonlinear disturbance. Then, the adaptive Luenberger observer is designed to compensate the multi-step disturbance of MPCC. Finally, the proposed control strategy has been verified by simulation studies.
model predictive current control(MPCC);three-level inverter;interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM);Least Squares;adaptive Luenberger disturbance observer
Zhehan Ke
Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dongliang Ke
Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yuxuan Chen
Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Fengxiang Wang
Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jose Rodriguez
Universidad San Sebastian

Heldwein Marcelo
Technical University of Munich

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