Robust Predictive Current Control with Online Multi-step Disturbance Compensation for Three-level Inverter-Fed PMSM
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Updated Time:2023-06-14 11:54:55
Poster Presentation
Model predictive current control (MPCC) has been widely used in the field of electric drive control in recent years due to its fast dynamic speed, multi-objective optimization and low switching frequency. However, MPCC is sensitive to changes in machine parameters, which leads to performance degradation. To improve the performance and robustness of a three-level inverter-fed interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM), this paper proposes a Luenberger observer based on the multi-step predictive disturbance compensation. Firstly, the mathematical model, MPCC method and disturbance analysis are presented. Secondly, the Least Squares method is designed to dynamically fit the multi-step predictive error according to the past data, which can predict tendency of current error under nonlinear disturbance. Then, the adaptive Luenberger observer is designed to compensate the multi-step disturbance of MPCC. Finally, the proposed control strategy has been verified by simulation studies.
model predictive current control(MPCC);three-level inverter;interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM);Least Squares;adaptive Luenberger disturbance observer
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