An Improved Model-Free Predictive Power Control for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverter Based on Hybrid SVM Under Unbalanced Grids
ID:47 View Protection:PRIVATE Updated Time:2023-06-13 17:12:54 Hits:573 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-18 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Model based predictive power control based on space vector modulation (SVM-MBPPC) is a popular control method for three-phase grid-connected inverter with the advantage of quick response and excellent performance. However, the excellent control performance of the conventional SVM-MBPPC mainly depends on the accuracy of system parameters. To overcome the poor robustness of SVM-MBPPC, some scholars propose model-free predictive power control based on SVM (SVM-MFPPC). In spite of the strong robustness of the SVM-MFPPC, the steady-state performance of conventional SVM-MBPPC with accurate parameters is greater than the SVM-MFPPC. This paper proposes an improved MFPPC based on hybrid SVM (HSVM-MFPPC), which has equal robustness to conventional SVM-MFPPC and achieves better steady-state performance. The proposed HSVM-MFPPC is also extended to unbalanced grid condition by adding an compensation power value. The simulated results confifirm that the proposed HSVM-MFPPC inherits strong robustness and can reduce the current total harmonic distortion (THD) by 30.6% than conventional SVM-MFPPC when the average modulation index is high enough
Three-phase grid-connected inverter, Power control, predictive control, model-free, hybrid SVM.
Wang Xing

Yongchang Zhang

Han Lei

Na Jia

Xiaoyi Zhu

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