Multi-Stage Model Predictive Control Algorithm with Eddy Current Compensation for FTPMF
ID:101 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2023-06-14 01:50:15 Hits:596 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-19 09:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[E] Poster Session » [E2] Poster Session 2

Many vacuum electronic devices require a power supply to drive magnets to generate a flat-top pulsed magnetic field in their cavities. However, there is a thick copper plating layer in cavities, resulting in severe eddy current hysteresis. In this paper, a control algorithm based on multi-stage model predictive control is proposed for the eddy current compensation of high-power gyrotron terahertz wave sources. Compared to traditional flat-top pulse current sources, the proposed algorithm generates a controlled current overshoot in the magnet, increasing the magnetic field stabilization speed by approximately 50%. The control algorithm has multiple operating states and can achieve computational load balancing by adjusting the sampling time and prediction step length under different states while generating a more stable flat-top pulse current than traditional methods.
Model Predictive Controller
Zhenglei Wang
Docter Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.

Shaozhe Zhang

Chunhui Yang

Houxiu Xiao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Tonghai Ding

Xiaotao Han
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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